Take your company’s English performance to the next level

We live in a globalised world. In business, English matters.

What specific English requirements do your employees have?

Conversi provides training solutions that boost the confidence of your employees to meet head-on the English needs of your organisation.

Conversi 1-to-1

How much could one conversation in a foreign language profit your business?

Now multiply that by the size of your company, or the size you want it to become.

By making employees converse in industry-specific, job-based scenarios, we guide your staff to speak up in that next global meeting, or confidently make a phone call to an overseas colleague – no matter the starting language level.

Efforts put in equate with results – employees confident at using English, more English in your organisation’s communications, materials and operations; and all the follow-on opportunities for success and growth.

Email writing in English is an essential skill

Conversi teachers will guide your staff to write emails which are polite, professional, clear, and concise, that will leave the best impression on your colleagues and clients.

By assisting staff with the emails they write for work each day, you will see improvements overnight in the professionalism and quality of your company’s emails.

See the positive benefits that come with more efficient and effective communication at work, including better customer relationships and more business opportunities.

Knowing the English abilities of your staff is a must

Conversi Language Skill Assessments [LSAs] provide clear insight into the language abilities of your employees and job candidates.

– LSA for Employed Professionals
– LSA for Employment Candidates
– Pre-/Post-Training LSA

Evaluated on the basis of the Common European Framework of Languages (CEFR), Conversi LSAs also take into account your specific industry and language requirements in identifying strengths and weaknesses, and offering professional recommendations for improvement relevant to the job.

Sharpen your image, globalise your brand

For work as small as a company slogan or as large as a website, Conversi will translate and polish your company’s important documents, contracts, reports, presentations, proposals, marketing material and more.

Our translators and language polishers have years of experience across almost every industry (blockchain, finance, legal, media, construction, manufacturing, technology, design, pharmaceutical, etc).

We pay strict attention to detail, intent of content, confidentiality and meeting your deadlines.

Connect to Conversi.

Take your foreign language to the next level.